Is Heaven a Choice?
|So there is this Christian Google+ community where they post pictures of starving children highlighted with commentary that says things like, “Where is the Good and Gracious God”? Then, quite cleverly, to avoid confrontation or actual dialogue the community is set up so that no one can respond. So you can only look at the pictures, ache for the child, and say, “Yeah, where IS God? Why does He let all this suffering abound?” In other words, why doesn’t God do something about it?!?!? It’s a reasonable question, one that has baffled us through the ages or at least Up until just recently, when someone asked, well, why don’t WE do something about it?
We hit the nail on the head in asking, “Why Don’t We”? For this is the very challenge we all face currently, and at a critical moment in time to humanity’s conscious and spiritual evolution. For we have had two thousand years to learn from Christs teachings and now begins the time to put those learning’s to work. God is now asking for each of us to begin to ponder the thought that sin, is indeed a choice. And that for so long as we have freedom of choice, we are empowered with the choice to not sin. And hence we can begin to grow closer to Christs actions and doings. What’s more is that we will have begun to fulfill his prophecy that one day we would do works just as he had, and even greater.
But mixed emotions come along with this challenge of choices that we face in our human advancement. On one hand if the world woke up tomorrow and we all chose to live by the Golden Rule, that such a unified choice would rightly land us at the gates of Kingdom come itself. Not a person here can argue that this thought isn’t an especially exciting thought, I mean Imagine, age reversal, all diseases cured, and the Wonder of eternity. On the other hand this epic choice we see before us is going to mean full and complete accountability of oneself. It is going to require that each of us synchronize with the truth, not only in real time, but also at full time. That’s a lot to ask of us isn’t it? But after 2000 years of having Christs teachings, is it a lot to ask? Is it too much to ask, that rather than our continuing to talk the Jesus talk, that now we must choose to walk the Jesus walk? How many of us are prepared to become so empowered through our own free will of choice. that may begin to walk the Jesus walk and teach others along the way? Everything else we seem to have chosen. Unless incarcerated in jail or on active duty military you have chosen everything. Think about it, there is really nothing in the past 24 hours of your life that you haven;t chosen. In fact, everything in the reality of your experience you have chosen. You see, your free will of choice is the very architect of your experience, and of your destiny. It is through your choices that you create your reality and your experience. You chose everything you’ve experienced in the last week, month, and even year. So if we are indeed empowered by the free will of choice and doing it already by the choices that we make each day anyway, what’s the difference if we start choosing morally righteously?
It seems to be just a logical change in what we decide to do through our free will of choice. Might that suggest then that even Heaven, is a choice? I would venture to guess that if we got a large part of humanity empowered by their free will of choice as such, so that they begin to choose righteous and moral acts, that indeed we would come to know Kingdom Come. For the Kingdom of heaven to come upon earth, it is but a choice. It is your choice, and it is our choice.
Choose wisely sayeth God.
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